My Summer Art & Craft Class 2014. In first place, And adult woman and two student girls came and next day one of girls left because she couldn't do art & craft yet. And some days passed, an adult woman left because she couldn't do crochet lessons because the crochet lessons are so hard to do as her arm has a bad weaken. One girl stayed to learn more she seemed to be so excited to do these. :aww: I loved this student girl because she was a fast learner,Masha'Allah.
Here's more photos of her work =)
This is her first in my class =).
I hope you enjoy her work.
The Clay Show
My little cousin named Hareem bought some clay pack. I made this show for her =).
The Another Matt
My housework named Zain Uncle saw me made the Matt set for my mother other day and the other Matt set for my maternal aunt Neelam Khala the other day. So he admired them to ask me make one for him. I did this Another Matt one =).
The Handmade Basket
This is my new idea to make it. How does it ?
I hope you enjoy my new work. There will be new work Insha'Allah(If God's willing) =).
Peace & Loves,
With Abeer Haroon