Tuesday 25 March 2014

November to January Projects

November Project 

My 4th sister Rabea wanted me to make the picture nice one on canvas for her friend Momina's birthday. Momina loved it a lot that I am very glad, Alhamdulillah(Praise be to God)=). 


December Projects

I embroidered some design on my shirt.

The Fashion


The Beads

My cousins Hafsa and Hamza asked me for some designs with the bead art. I did some and I helped them to do some of these bead art. =)

January Projects

My Mother's

This matt, my mother Rashda crocheted I want to share with you all =)

The Colorful Matt

I crocheted some matt =)

My 2nd Sister's

My sister Samya tried to color any technique with colored pencils, but she couldn't. I said she could and she couldn't still.

The Baby Cap

It was for My baby cousin Maria but it was wrong size =(. It given to the new baby son of my cousin Mashal.

The Lace

I woven some lace for shirt of the baby.

More works, I made would be uploaded soon if I have extra time,Insha'Allah(If Allah is willing).

I hope you like my new artwork and enjoy as well.

Stay warmed